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Douglas Charitable Trust

Giving back to the community forms an integral part of our company culture.

Giving back

Giving back to the community forms an integral part of our company culture. We are in the privileged position to be able to financially assist a number of deserving organisations through the Douglas Charitable Trust.

Our philanthropic efforts are proudly directed towards the local communities in which we operate, supporting excellence in education, or funding leading-edge research within healthcare.

Major donations have recently been made to the following recipients.

Starship Foundation

An endowment fund was established to help set up and support the Douglas Simulator Programme at Starship Children’s Hospital in Auckland, harnessing the potential of simulation to improve care and outcomes for children. It uses high fidelity, computer driven ‘manikins’ to educate and train both individuals and clinical teams and improve clinical systems and practice.

An initial Stage 1 PICU (Paediatric Intensive Care Unit) and HDU (High Dependency Unit) donation was made for the expansion at Starship, increasing the number of beds from 22 to 32, and providing for a new negative pressure chamber.

Over the years, various donations have been given towards refurbishing the General Paediatric Ward and four operating rooms, upgrading operating room equipment, the purchase of an MRI machine, and upgrading of the Neuroservices and Medical Specialities wards.

A recent pledge was made to provide much needed clinical support to the IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Service. This pledge will be honoured over a three-year period. These funds will be used to develop a comprehensive service at the hospital, specifically to fund three years for a Nurse Specialist and Clinical Psychologist. This will allow children to be diagnosed sooner and minimise long term physical and psychological health challenges.

Well Foundation

A significant donation was made for the development of a SCBU (Special Care Baby Unit) at Waitakere Hospital, which celebrated the first anniversary of its opening in August 2023. Other donations through Henderson Rotary directly benefit the Well Foundations’ projects, one of which provides mental health programmes in schools, employing expert clinicians to co-train with teachers.

Graeme Dingle Foundation

The Trust are long standing supporters of the Graeme Dingle Foundation Stars Programme in the West Auckland area. Donating annually to provide mentors and support for rangatahi youth to develop life skills, foster positive connections in the community, and develop mental wellbeing and resilience.

University of Auckland Medical & Health Sciences Foundation

A 5-year pledge was made to support the Douglas Senior Research Fellow in the Neurological Foundation Human Brain Bank. The Neurological Foundation Human Brain Bank is a world-class scientific resource unique to the Centre for Brain Research.

NZ Memorial Museum Trust – Le Quesnoy

Both Jeff and Richard Douglas’ grandfathers fought in WW1 as frontline infantry soldiers and thankfully, survived. They were not directly involved in the liberation of Le Quesnoy, but offering financial support through the family trust is our way of acknowledging the part New Zealand played in this war.

Hospice West Auckland

The Trust has committed to providing a long-term annual donation to support the Psychosocial Services division of Hospice West Auckland who provide care for the social, psychological, and emotional needs of Hospice patients and their families/carers.

Auckland Rescue Helicopter

In 2022, the Trust provided 10 crew helmets to the Auckland Rescue Helicopter. An additional donation for general support for the rescue helicopters on an annual basis has also been made.

Auckland City Mission

The Trust donated funds to support the services of the Calder Health Centre. The Centre provides general medical support through The Auckland City Mission for vulnerable members of the community.

Other notable donations

House of Science – supporting primary school children in West Auckland with kits to provide hands-on learning.

Neuro Connection – The Trust recently signed a 5-year commitment to provide additional services and grow capacity for clients who have been discharged from the public health system and who require long term rehabilitation for stroke, MS and Parkinsons disease.

Henderson Budget Services – supporting the elderly who live in social housing with much needed basic supplies.

Hillary Outdoor Education Trust – supporting youth programmes in West Auckland, enabling them to achieve growth through adventure, outdoor experiences, and to connect through participation.

Piha Surf Life Saving Club – Lifeguard welfare support on an annual basis.

Massey Primary School – support for their outdoor education programme. This enabled children who would not normally be able to attend the excursion to do so.

West Auckland Riding for the Disabled – yearly donation to help support a therapy pony.

Special Needs Children’s Party – annual donation to send 10 local children in West Auckland who have autism and special needs, along with their caregivers to a family day of bowling.

Suburbs Rugby Club – support for the club to attend an annual tournament.

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